Civil Engineering
Course of Civil Engineering

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Mrs. Asha Mishra (HOD, Civil Engineering)
Sr. Lecturer & Head
Cell: 9438315197
Established in the year 1923, Department of Civil Engineering hold unique distinction of being the only discipline in existence since the inception of BOSE in its earlier embodiment as Orissa School of Engineering. From a humble beginning with an intake capacity of forty, the department has come a long way through its journey of hundred years. The department has catered to the need of technical manpower of Odisha as well as the country both pre and post independence India and thus played a vital role in nation building. Many of our alumni are working across India and overseas with Organisations of repute. Our alumni are our pride and perpetual source of inspiration. Presently the department has student strength of about 600. The faculty members of the department are qualified with highest academic degrees. Most of the faculty members have M. Tech qualifications and some have PhD. To further the growth and supplement the infrastructure, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed with Evos Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. With the support from Evos Buildcon Pvt. Ltd., a Material Testing Laboratory is about to set up with all state-of-the-art tools and equipment to handle Material Testing, Research and Consultancy, Internal Revenue Generation (IRG), etc. A similar deal has been made with Hexagon India Corporation Pvt. Ltd. The company would help set up a Surveying Laboratory with modern surveying equipments like Electronic Total Station (ETS), Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) and necessary software and ancillary tools and equipments.

To produce diploma holders with good technical and entrepreneurial skill to serve the society with human values.
future challenges in Civil Engineering.
• To create an admirable teaching-learning environment for the student to acquire knowledge as per the needs.
• To inculcate self-learning attitude and entrepreneurial skill
• To create an atmosphere of learning conducive to dynamic and adaptive learning environment
• Collaborative partnership with industries and academia within and outside the country in learning and research.